Rabu, 20 Oktober 2010

Benefits and Uses of Keladi Tikus

Keladi Tikus inacting contains ribosome protein and antioxidants. In the ribosome inacting body functioning protein inhibits the growth of cancer cells, destroying cancer cells without damaging healthy cells around it and reduce the emergence of new cancer cells. While antioxidants work to prevent the occurrence of damage to genes.
Keladi Tikus also perform detoxification, namely the disposal of toxins that have accumulated for years in the body. At the same rodent tuber strengthen the body's defense system. In the process of detoxification   this is for most users experiencing the body's reaction (see page body reaction).
Kanker paru-paruIn a book titled "Cancer, Yet They Live" by Dr. Chris KH Teo - Cancer Care Penang, Malaysia, also based on our experience since 2000 serving cancer patients with rodent tuber (either in the form of rodent tuber fresh-juice or capsules - permits the manufacture of capsules Keladi Tikus since 2001 with the Health Department No: SP 475/13.24/01), Keladi Tikus really help cure cervical cancer, breast, colon, nasopharynx, pancreas, lung, rectum, liver, including hepatitis and liver stiffness, throat , bone, brain, prostate, leukemia, kidney, spleen, gall bladder and others. In addition, rodent tuber can also cure migraine headaches, lymph nodes, hemorrhoids, sinusitis, tingling in hands and feet and others, as well as to the detection of previously unknown disease / recognized by the concerned. Remember: The healing must be accompanied by how your attitude against cancer including the right lifestyle. 
Suggested Use

Use recommended rodent tuber alongside medical treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy, especially in patients with advanced berstadium. Why do so.Cancer is a disease of cells growing abnormally   and developing so quickly out of control. These cells continue to divide ourselves spread to surrounding tissues (invasive).The higher the stage of the faster spreading. While the body's defense system had been repaired by rodent tuber, including attacking the ribosome inacting protein (RIP) has a limit and it is feared could no longer pursue the development of cancer cells that have been so quick. It is not possible to increase the attacking power by continually adding the use of dose rodent tuber.   This is where the necessary additional destruction of cancer cells such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy, although we realize fully that the chemotherapy and radiotherapy also damage healthy cells as well as the possibility of stimulating growth of new cancer cells that occur due to radiation.
What if doctors had raised their hands and just give painkillers only. There is still a million hopes. Since in practice the use of rodent tuber many such conditions are successfully treated. Nevertheless it is our duty to find the best way and not just rely on one tool only.
Use Kelapi Mice and treatment of chemotherapy - radiotherapy should not be executed in the same time. Use rodent tuber should be discontinued at least 2 days before chemotherapy and 2 days later (Minimum 5 days). The nature of the conduct rodent tuber detoxification (removal of toxins) will assume a chemical substance of chemotherapy as a poison that will be automatically removed from the body. This will make chemotherapy ineffective.
Keladi Tikus is also very good for reducing the negative effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy such as nausea, hair loss and so forth. For that rodent tuber should be consumed at least 2 weeks prior to the implementation of chemotherapy.
Use rodent tuber in fresh benthic.

When cancer patients get the rodent tuber plants, it can be consumed in fresh condition (juice). The dose is 3 x daily usage @ 50 grams of fresh plants (tubers and leaves)

How to eat

After cleaning, rodent tuber pounded tanakam made juice and drink immediately. Making juice should not use the tools of an easily oxidized metal. For that the following points need attention.
·          Juice should not be stored more than 3 hours because the juice will be damaged.
·          Temporary storage must be done in cold (refrigerator)
·          Gatai taste in the mouth - throat can be removed with sugar or honey.
·          To relieve itching manufacture of juice can with boiling water (the plant / juice do not boil)

·          During consuming rodent tuber is not recommended mnkonsumsi nostrum other than the drug from the doctor.
·          Keladi Tikus should not be consumed by pregnant women who are under 4 months of pregnancy.
From :
- Natur Indonesia -


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