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Selasa, 15 November 2011
Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011
asthma with datura fatuosa

The trick cone-shaped flowers are dried, can also be two cone-shaped leaves are dried. Leaves or flowers of this amethyst then rolled, then baked and smoked like a cigarette. This drug should not be smoked more than one rod in 6 hours, because it can lead to addiction so not suitable for children.
Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2011
One product of the coconut is water, it turns out the solution, water, fruit and palm trees this property has tremendous nutritional value. Not only the macro elements of nitrogen and carbon, but also much-needed micro elements in the body of coconut water. Nitrogen element inside a protein molecule composed of amino acids, such as alanine, cystine, arginine, opy, and serine.
Compared to the amino acid contained in cow's milk, amino acids contained in coconut water was higher. While the carbon element can be found in the form of simple carbohydrates such as glucose, sucrose, fructose, sorbitol, inositol, and others. Similarly, micro elements in the form of coconut water mineral ions needed as a substitute for the body. Worthy indeed, when the young coconut drink our body feel fresh again.
When examined further, coconut water was also concentrated sources of vitamins. Among the dominant vitamin C, nicotinic acid, folic acid, pantothenic acid, biotin, and riboflavin. No wonder the coconut water is also used as an ingredient of traditional medicine as well as beauty.
In addition, in particular, coconut water is rich in potassium (potash). Besides minerals, coconut water also contains sugar (varying between 1.7 to 2.6 percent) and protein (0.07 to 0.55 per cent). Because the nutrient composition as such, the coconut water has the potential to be used as raw materials for food products.
In the Philippines, coconut water is used for the manufacture of beverages, jelly, alcohol, dektran, vinegar and nata de coco. In Indonesia, used as a drink of coconut water (coconut water) and the media making nata de coco.
In the general public, including the palm trees of their daily needs. From the root tip to tip of leaves can be beneficial to the community. Generally the fruit of the coconut meat (the old) is also not far to the basic needs of food ingredients. As for the young coconut also has many benefits. Meat from young coconuts can be consumed as a supplement drink. While the water of young coconuts can also be consumed for the release of dehydration.
What are the benefits of coconut water?:
1. Natural electrolytes
Dehydration during pregnancy can cause various complications, including headaches, cramps, edema and even contraction that can cause preterm labor. Young coconut water is rich with content of electrolyte, chloride, calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, and riboflavin. As a natural isotonic electrolyte rich in minerals and has the same electrolyte body, young coconut water is very beneficial for rehydration and recover stamina.
2. Natural diuretics
As a natural diuretic that sterile, young coconut water to launch the urine and helps cleanse the urinary tract. This nutritious substances out toxins from the body and prevent urinary tract infections are also quite common in pregnant women.
3. antibody
Young coconut water contains lauric acid, the acid that helps fight disease. Lauric acid contained in coconut water the same as those found in breast milk and has a characteristic antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral, so maintaining the health of mothers and infants from viruses such as herpes and HIV, giardia lamblia protozoa and bacteria chlamydia and heliokobater.
4. assist Digestion
During pregnancy, the placenta produces the hormone progesterone, which slows gastric muscle contraction so that any slowing digestion. Coconut water can help increase the speed of digestion.
5. Increase HDL
Young coconut water contains no fat and cholesterol, even according to research can increase good cholesterol (HDL) in the body
6. Coconut water is efficacious as a diuretic, which is to expedite expenditure of urine. Young coconut water mixed with a little lemon juice is useful to overcome dehydration, also to combat disorder in the stomach worm small children.
7. If a young coconut water mixed with milk is very good for children's food. Young coconut water mixtures have properties to prevent clotting of milk in the stomach, vomiting, constipation, and gastrointestinal upset.
8. Coconut water also has a variety of efficacy as medicine. Among other things, to drink young coconut water can also help overcome the toxic effect of other antibiotics and sulfa drugs, making drugs more quickly absorbed the blood.
9. Wash your face with coconut water continuously every day can cure or eliminate acne, black spots, wrinkles on the face that came early, dry skin, and face to look radiant.
10. Mix coconut milk with a little honey. This herb is a cheap but nutritious tonic. This herb stimulates the body's sexual centers and eliminate the harmful effects of excess sexual arousal.
11. Stubborn acne can be treated with a mixture of 25 grams of turmeric paste with a glass of coconut water, then left for the night, then add 3 teaspoons of red sandalwood powder. Stir, stir all ingredients until blended, then saved again undisturbed for 3 days. Strain mixture was with three layers of gauze. Save the juice earlier in the bottle, and apply on face twice a day until the acne disappears.
12. Coconut water is also efficacious as a medicine injuries, broken foot, and eczema. Creating a potion is relatively easy. Soak a handful of rice in a young coconut water with its shell until the rice turns sour because of fermentation, then the rice milled into fine powder. Rice flour is used topically every day for 3-4 days in the sick body
13. If a young coconut water mixed with a pinch of turmeric powder and water whiting in equal measure is a cure burns and negate the burning sensation on the soles of the feet and hands.
14. Coconut water can also destroy the nicotine in our body .. so those users who want to quit smoking. with this method you can do the therapy.
Green coconut is one of the types of various species on coconut trees. Physically very difficult to distinguish where the coconut green and green. But, after the split, seemingly new difference. If peeled green coconut, red fiber. Rada water taste bitter, not like a fresh green coconut though not mixed with sugar.
Green coconut is sometimes a best medicine for some diseases such as: heartburn, constipation, neutralizing toxins, dengue fever, intestinal worms, dysentery. When used for washing the face, then the benefits of green coconut can eliminate acne, smooths the face skin, tightens the skin (anti aging) and when used to wash it, can prevent the onset of gray hair.
In addition, green coconut can also be used as therapy "gurah" (removing impurities from the body as dirty blood.), how to condense one Malan green coconut water, then drink morning. When this is done every morning, God willing, the sound will become longer and tuneful.
Compared to the amino acid contained in cow's milk, amino acids contained in coconut water was higher. While the carbon element can be found in the form of simple carbohydrates such as glucose, sucrose, fructose, sorbitol, inositol, and others. Similarly, micro elements in the form of coconut water mineral ions needed as a substitute for the body. Worthy indeed, when the young coconut drink our body feel fresh again.

When examined further, coconut water was also concentrated sources of vitamins. Among the dominant vitamin C, nicotinic acid, folic acid, pantothenic acid, biotin, and riboflavin. No wonder the coconut water is also used as an ingredient of traditional medicine as well as beauty.
In addition, in particular, coconut water is rich in potassium (potash). Besides minerals, coconut water also contains sugar (varying between 1.7 to 2.6 percent) and protein (0.07 to 0.55 per cent). Because the nutrient composition as such, the coconut water has the potential to be used as raw materials for food products.
In the Philippines, coconut water is used for the manufacture of beverages, jelly, alcohol, dektran, vinegar and nata de coco. In Indonesia, used as a drink of coconut water (coconut water) and the media making nata de coco.
In the general public, including the palm trees of their daily needs. From the root tip to tip of leaves can be beneficial to the community. Generally the fruit of the coconut meat (the old) is also not far to the basic needs of food ingredients. As for the young coconut also has many benefits. Meat from young coconuts can be consumed as a supplement drink. While the water of young coconuts can also be consumed for the release of dehydration.
What are the benefits of coconut water?:
1. Natural electrolytes
Dehydration during pregnancy can cause various complications, including headaches, cramps, edema and even contraction that can cause preterm labor. Young coconut water is rich with content of electrolyte, chloride, calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, and riboflavin. As a natural isotonic electrolyte rich in minerals and has the same electrolyte body, young coconut water is very beneficial for rehydration and recover stamina.
2. Natural diuretics
As a natural diuretic that sterile, young coconut water to launch the urine and helps cleanse the urinary tract. This nutritious substances out toxins from the body and prevent urinary tract infections are also quite common in pregnant women.
3. antibody
Young coconut water contains lauric acid, the acid that helps fight disease. Lauric acid contained in coconut water the same as those found in breast milk and has a characteristic antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral, so maintaining the health of mothers and infants from viruses such as herpes and HIV, giardia lamblia protozoa and bacteria chlamydia and heliokobater.
4. assist Digestion
During pregnancy, the placenta produces the hormone progesterone, which slows gastric muscle contraction so that any slowing digestion. Coconut water can help increase the speed of digestion.
5. Increase HDL
Young coconut water contains no fat and cholesterol, even according to research can increase good cholesterol (HDL) in the body
6. Coconut water is efficacious as a diuretic, which is to expedite expenditure of urine. Young coconut water mixed with a little lemon juice is useful to overcome dehydration, also to combat disorder in the stomach worm small children.
7. If a young coconut water mixed with milk is very good for children's food. Young coconut water mixtures have properties to prevent clotting of milk in the stomach, vomiting, constipation, and gastrointestinal upset.
8. Coconut water also has a variety of efficacy as medicine. Among other things, to drink young coconut water can also help overcome the toxic effect of other antibiotics and sulfa drugs, making drugs more quickly absorbed the blood.
9. Wash your face with coconut water continuously every day can cure or eliminate acne, black spots, wrinkles on the face that came early, dry skin, and face to look radiant.
10. Mix coconut milk with a little honey. This herb is a cheap but nutritious tonic. This herb stimulates the body's sexual centers and eliminate the harmful effects of excess sexual arousal.
11. Stubborn acne can be treated with a mixture of 25 grams of turmeric paste with a glass of coconut water, then left for the night, then add 3 teaspoons of red sandalwood powder. Stir, stir all ingredients until blended, then saved again undisturbed for 3 days. Strain mixture was with three layers of gauze. Save the juice earlier in the bottle, and apply on face twice a day until the acne disappears.
12. Coconut water is also efficacious as a medicine injuries, broken foot, and eczema. Creating a potion is relatively easy. Soak a handful of rice in a young coconut water with its shell until the rice turns sour because of fermentation, then the rice milled into fine powder. Rice flour is used topically every day for 3-4 days in the sick body
13. If a young coconut water mixed with a pinch of turmeric powder and water whiting in equal measure is a cure burns and negate the burning sensation on the soles of the feet and hands.
14. Coconut water can also destroy the nicotine in our body .. so those users who want to quit smoking. with this method you can do the therapy.
Green coconut is one of the types of various species on coconut trees. Physically very difficult to distinguish where the coconut green and green. But, after the split, seemingly new difference. If peeled green coconut, red fiber. Rada water taste bitter, not like a fresh green coconut though not mixed with sugar.
Green coconut is sometimes a best medicine for some diseases such as: heartburn, constipation, neutralizing toxins, dengue fever, intestinal worms, dysentery. When used for washing the face, then the benefits of green coconut can eliminate acne, smooths the face skin, tightens the skin (anti aging) and when used to wash it, can prevent the onset of gray hair.
In addition, green coconut can also be used as therapy "gurah" (removing impurities from the body as dirty blood.), how to condense one Malan green coconut water, then drink morning. When this is done every morning, God willing, the sound will become longer and tuneful.
Rabu, 24 Agustus 2011
Aloe vera
Benefits of Aloe Vera For Health
Aloe vera juice is a laxative natural toxins, but also contains various vitamins and minerals that help our bodies cope with stress in daily life.
Aloe vera is useful especially in cases of heartburn and intestinal irritation and ulcers. Aloe vera is known to soothe the esophagus and overcome acid reflux.
Oral health.
Aloe vera is useful for mouth and gum problems, especially in improving the deteriorating gums.
Skin care.
Its function also eliminates acne, moisturize skin, detoxify the skin, removal of scars and marks, reduce inflammation, as well as repair and skin rejuvenation.
Half a tablespoon of aloe vera juice is given for 14 weeks was shown to reduce blood sugar levels by 45 percent.
Help bowel movements.
Aloe latex contains anthraquinone glycosidesaloin A and B that are useful as a powerful laxative.
Maintain weight.
Aloe vera juice has been used for years to lose weight.
Aloe vera is full of antioxidants that counter free radicals to enhance the immune system.
Aloe vera gel can heal and repair the affected skin burns, including burns caused by sun exposure.
Aloe vera can help reduce itching and dandruff. Aloe vera can also be used for treatment of hair before shampooing.
Treat skin peeling With Right
Affairs of the face and cool the skin retain moisture, aloe vera meat expert. Aloe vera moisturize the dry and keep it moist. Enter the aloe vera 20 minutes prior to use to get a refreshing cooling effect.
Herbs for Diabetes
However Fenugreek should not be used by pregnant or lactating women Aloe vera is often regarded as a 'healing herb'. Dried aloe vera sap and gel (inner leaf) is used traditionally to treat diabetes because it is believed.
Natural Ways to Eliminate Acne
Aloe vera gel can also be used to ward off pimples. Spread cream mixture of glycerin and lemon juice to the face. Leave it for a while. Then wash and dry with a towel. A mixture of honey and egg white are also very useful for.
Tempting Beauty Make Up
Add aloe vera sap on the foundation that makes skin smooth and glowing. According to makeup artist Brett Freedman has ever worked with Vanessa Hudgens and Leighton Meester, apply a piece of aloe vera on the skin before foundation.
Jumat, 05 Agustus 2011
Fasting for Health
Fasting, a part of worship that must be implemented by Muslims in upholding the religion, after the declaration of faith. Consequences, among others, carry out commands believers fasting. The importance of fasting so that God puts His servant positions who fasted with a privileged position. ''Fasting is for Me. No one knows. And I will reward me at will.''

The specialty is, of course, there is God's purpose in order to gain wisdom in him, namely health and happiness. God's promise given to the fasting person is confirmed by the Prophet Muhammad are narrated by Ibn Abu Suny and Nu'aim:''Fast then you will be healthy.''By fasting will be healthy physical, spiritual and social relationships.
1. Benefits for Health Agency (physical). No one medical expert both Muslims and non Muslims who doubt the benefits of fasting for human health. In a book titled''Health Care in Islam''by Dr. Mahmud Ahmad Najib (Professor of Faculty of Medicine, Ain-Shams University of Egypt), stressed fasting is very useful for health. Among others:
a) Fasting blood circulation to reduce the balance to prevent perspiration and vapor through the pores of the skin and urinary tract without the need to replace it. According to cardiac output in distributing blood throughout the blood vessels will make the blood circulation decreases. And this gives an opportunity to rest the heart muscle, after working hard for an entire year. Fasting will allow the heart to improve the vitality and strength of the cells.
b) Fasting allows the digestive equipment to rest after working hard all year. Stomach and bowel rest for a few hours of its activities, while giving a chance to heal infections and wounds that exist so as to close the meeting. The process also stops the absorption of food so that ammonia acid, glucose and salt does not go into the intestines. Thus the intestinal cells can no longer afford to make the composition of glycogen, protein and cholesterol. Besides, in terms of food, in terms of motion (sports), in the month of fasting so many movements are carried out mainly through go worship.
2. Benefits for Spiritual Health (Mental). Feeling (mental) plays an important role in human life. Get a sense of fun, joy, satisfaction and happiness, is a destination all kinds of everyday human endeavor.
If someone is handling health problems, should not only pay attention to any physical disorder, but also in terms of psychological and social culture. Spiritual comes from God, then happiness will only come when closer to his creator.
In the month of fasting disunahkan to increasingly associate themselves with Allah either through prayer, reading the Qur'an, remembrance, pray, seek forgiveness, and Lail qiyamul. For a month continuously will make more spiritually healthy, more peaceful life. By extending the recall to God, the more convinced that all that exists comes from God and will return to Him likewise. This is described in the word of God among others:
-''Make your patience and prayers as penolongmu. And so it was really hard except for those who fervently.''(Surah Al Baqarah 45).
-''And We send down from the Koran that a bidder and a mercy for the believers and the Qur'an is not adding to people who do wrong except lose money.''(QS: Al-Isra '82)
-''The people believe and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah. Remember, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction.''(Sura: Ar-Ra'd 28).
-''O soul calm, return to your Lord with a heart of satisfied longer approves of his. Then go into the congregation of my servants and enter into My Paradise.''(QS: Al-Fajr 27-30).
3. Benefits of Fasting for social relationships. In teaching the value of worship is the realization of a balance between love for God and love to man. Likewise, the value of fasting, not only the relations are getting closer to God, but also closer to each other.
The more often worship together, with family, neighbors, and surrounding communities, the more familiar to each other, become more aware of community needs. The more the desire to share the grace together in the world and increasingly want to go to heaven together.
Shodaqoh doubled the reward value, including giving iftar to those who fasted. Hurt others and various disorders of the fellows are strongly encouraged to be abandoned. If not then the fasting person's value is very low. This is described in the words of Allah:
''O ye who believe, spend (in Allah) in part of the sustenance We have given you before the coming days on that day there was no longer trading and no longer an intimate friendship, and nothing else syafa'at. And oang unbelievers are the ones who do wrong.''(Surah Al Baqarah 254)
Indeed the believers are brothers, therefore make peace between the two brothers and bertaqwalah to God that ye may receive mercy.''(QS: Al Hujurat 10)''And ye haste to the forgiveness of your Lord and to syurga the breadth of the heavens and the earth and provided for those who fear Him, (that) those who spend (freely), whether at a time when or in adversity, and those who restrain anger and pardon (error) people. Allah loves those who bebuat virtue. And (also) those who, when committing heinous or torment themselves, they would remember God, then beg forgiveness of their sins and who can forgive sins except God? And they did not pursue that nasty deed, knowingly.''(Surah Al-Imran 133-135).

The specialty is, of course, there is God's purpose in order to gain wisdom in him, namely health and happiness. God's promise given to the fasting person is confirmed by the Prophet Muhammad are narrated by Ibn Abu Suny and Nu'aim:''Fast then you will be healthy.''By fasting will be healthy physical, spiritual and social relationships.
1. Benefits for Health Agency (physical). No one medical expert both Muslims and non Muslims who doubt the benefits of fasting for human health. In a book titled''Health Care in Islam''by Dr. Mahmud Ahmad Najib (Professor of Faculty of Medicine, Ain-Shams University of Egypt), stressed fasting is very useful for health. Among others:
a) Fasting blood circulation to reduce the balance to prevent perspiration and vapor through the pores of the skin and urinary tract without the need to replace it. According to cardiac output in distributing blood throughout the blood vessels will make the blood circulation decreases. And this gives an opportunity to rest the heart muscle, after working hard for an entire year. Fasting will allow the heart to improve the vitality and strength of the cells.
b) Fasting allows the digestive equipment to rest after working hard all year. Stomach and bowel rest for a few hours of its activities, while giving a chance to heal infections and wounds that exist so as to close the meeting. The process also stops the absorption of food so that ammonia acid, glucose and salt does not go into the intestines. Thus the intestinal cells can no longer afford to make the composition of glycogen, protein and cholesterol. Besides, in terms of food, in terms of motion (sports), in the month of fasting so many movements are carried out mainly through go worship.
2. Benefits for Spiritual Health (Mental). Feeling (mental) plays an important role in human life. Get a sense of fun, joy, satisfaction and happiness, is a destination all kinds of everyday human endeavor.
If someone is handling health problems, should not only pay attention to any physical disorder, but also in terms of psychological and social culture. Spiritual comes from God, then happiness will only come when closer to his creator.
In the month of fasting disunahkan to increasingly associate themselves with Allah either through prayer, reading the Qur'an, remembrance, pray, seek forgiveness, and Lail qiyamul. For a month continuously will make more spiritually healthy, more peaceful life. By extending the recall to God, the more convinced that all that exists comes from God and will return to Him likewise. This is described in the word of God among others:
-''Make your patience and prayers as penolongmu. And so it was really hard except for those who fervently.''(Surah Al Baqarah 45).
-''And We send down from the Koran that a bidder and a mercy for the believers and the Qur'an is not adding to people who do wrong except lose money.''(QS: Al-Isra '82)
-''The people believe and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah. Remember, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction.''(Sura: Ar-Ra'd 28).
-''O soul calm, return to your Lord with a heart of satisfied longer approves of his. Then go into the congregation of my servants and enter into My Paradise.''(QS: Al-Fajr 27-30).
3. Benefits of Fasting for social relationships. In teaching the value of worship is the realization of a balance between love for God and love to man. Likewise, the value of fasting, not only the relations are getting closer to God, but also closer to each other.
The more often worship together, with family, neighbors, and surrounding communities, the more familiar to each other, become more aware of community needs. The more the desire to share the grace together in the world and increasingly want to go to heaven together.
Shodaqoh doubled the reward value, including giving iftar to those who fasted. Hurt others and various disorders of the fellows are strongly encouraged to be abandoned. If not then the fasting person's value is very low. This is described in the words of Allah:
''O ye who believe, spend (in Allah) in part of the sustenance We have given you before the coming days on that day there was no longer trading and no longer an intimate friendship, and nothing else syafa'at. And oang unbelievers are the ones who do wrong.''(Surah Al Baqarah 254)
Indeed the believers are brothers, therefore make peace between the two brothers and bertaqwalah to God that ye may receive mercy.''(QS: Al Hujurat 10)''And ye haste to the forgiveness of your Lord and to syurga the breadth of the heavens and the earth and provided for those who fear Him, (that) those who spend (freely), whether at a time when or in adversity, and those who restrain anger and pardon (error) people. Allah loves those who bebuat virtue. And (also) those who, when committing heinous or torment themselves, they would remember God, then beg forgiveness of their sins and who can forgive sins except God? And they did not pursue that nasty deed, knowingly.''(Surah Al-Imran 133-135).