Traditional medicine is the ingredient or ingredients in the form of plant material, animals, minerals, or mixtures of these materials which were hereditary used for treatment based on experience. One of the plants used as traditional medicine in the treatment of dental and mouth is a cone-shaped tree.
Amethyst has the scientific name Datura species fastuosa, and Datura metel Linn. In some areas, amethyst is known by the name of a similar crate kucubung (Sunda) and kachobung (Madura).
Amethyst including clump plant type which has a main stem and thick wood, much branched, growing to a height of less than 2 meters. Leaves oval-shaped and notched at the edges sharp. Cone-shaped flowers resemble white trumpet and violet. The fruit is almost round which one end is supported by a short stalk bunches and strongly attached.
Fruit cone-shaped exterior is coated in the thorns and it contains small seeds are brownish yellow. Amethyst grown at low altitude ground 800 meters above sea level. In addition to growing wild in the fields, amethyst is often planted in the garden or yard.
All parts of plants amethyst, namely roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds, contain alkaloid compounds. Alkaloid content of most present in the roots and seeds, can reach 0.4 to 0.9%. leaves and flowers range from 0.2 to 0.3%.
Some alkaloids consisted of Atropine (is antikholinergik), Hyoscyamin (is antikholinergik), scopolamine (is antikholinergik), hyoscine, fatty substances, and Calcium Oxalate, atropine and scopolamine clinical effect in principle be used to stop the spasms in the treatment of colitis spasti, gastroentritis, and peptic ulcer disease.
Also used to reduce respiratory tract secretions during anesthesia, gastric secretion in peptic ulcer treatment as well as nasal and sinus secretions in the treatment of colds and allergies. In the state of iritis is used to prevent adhesions between the iris and lens of the eye.
Atropine also is on state antidotum poisoning. Scopolamine have depresen activity in the central nervous system and is used as a cure motion sickness. It used to be combined with morphine and scopolamine is used as a sedative and premedication. Because quite dangerous, these products are now banned. At this time of scopolamine is used widely in combination with anti-histamine.
Symptoms of poisoning that can arise in the use of atropine and scopolamine are rast skin, dry mouth, difficulty urinating, eye pain, and sensitive to light. Patients were given antacids such as alumina gel to inhibit drug resorbsi.
In the field of dentistry, Atropine (0-6 mg) may be administered orally to reduce the salivary secretion resulting in dry work areas.