The specialty is, of course, there is God's purpose in order to gain wisdom in him, namely health and happiness. God's promise given to the fasting person is confirmed by the Prophet Muhammad are narrated by Ibn Abu Suny and Nu'aim:''Fast then you will be healthy.''By fasting will be healthy physical, spiritual and social relationships.
1. Benefits for Health Agency (physical). No one medical expert both Muslims and non Muslims who doubt the benefits of fasting for human health. In a book titled''Health Care in Islam''by Dr. Mahmud Ahmad Najib (Professor of Faculty of Medicine, Ain-Shams University of Egypt), stressed fasting is very useful for health. Among others:
a) Fasting blood circulation to reduce the balance to prevent perspiration and vapor through the pores of the skin and urinary tract without the need to replace it. According to cardiac output in distributing blood throughout the blood vessels will make the blood circulation decreases. And this gives an opportunity to rest the heart muscle, after working hard for an entire year. Fasting will allow the heart to improve the vitality and strength of the cells.
b) Fasting allows the digestive equipment to rest after working hard all year. Stomach and bowel rest for a few hours of its activities, while giving a chance to heal infections and wounds that exist so as to close the meeting. The process also stops the absorption of food so that ammonia acid, glucose and salt does not go into the intestines. Thus the intestinal cells can no longer afford to make the composition of glycogen, protein and cholesterol. Besides, in terms of food, in terms of motion (sports), in the month of fasting so many movements are carried out mainly through go worship.
2. Benefits for Spiritual Health (Mental). Feeling (mental) plays an important role in human life. Get a sense of fun, joy, satisfaction and happiness, is a destination all kinds of everyday human endeavor.
If someone is handling health problems, should not only pay attention to any physical disorder, but also in terms of psychological and social culture. Spiritual comes from God, then happiness will only come when closer to his creator.
In the month of fasting disunahkan to increasingly associate themselves with Allah either through prayer, reading the Qur'an, remembrance, pray, seek forgiveness, and Lail qiyamul. For a month continuously will make more spiritually healthy, more peaceful life. By extending the recall to God, the more convinced that all that exists comes from God and will return to Him likewise. This is described in the word of God among others:
-''Make your patience and prayers as penolongmu. And so it was really hard except for those who fervently.''(Surah Al Baqarah 45).
-''And We send down from the Koran that a bidder and a mercy for the believers and the Qur'an is not adding to people who do wrong except lose money.''(QS: Al-Isra '82)
-''The people believe and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah. Remember, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction.''(Sura: Ar-Ra'd 28).
-''O soul calm, return to your Lord with a heart of satisfied longer approves of his. Then go into the congregation of my servants and enter into My Paradise.''(QS: Al-Fajr 27-30).
3. Benefits of Fasting for social relationships. In teaching the value of worship is the realization of a balance between love for God and love to man. Likewise, the value of fasting, not only the relations are getting closer to God, but also closer to each other.
The more often worship together, with family, neighbors, and surrounding communities, the more familiar to each other, become more aware of community needs. The more the desire to share the grace together in the world and increasingly want to go to heaven together.
Shodaqoh doubled the reward value, including giving iftar to those who fasted. Hurt others and various disorders of the fellows are strongly encouraged to be abandoned. If not then the fasting person's value is very low. This is described in the words of Allah:
''O ye who believe, spend (in Allah) in part of the sustenance We have given you before the coming days on that day there was no longer trading and no longer an intimate friendship, and nothing else syafa'at. And oang unbelievers are the ones who do wrong.''(Surah Al Baqarah 254)
Indeed the believers are brothers, therefore make peace between the two brothers and bertaqwalah to God that ye may receive mercy.''(QS: Al Hujurat 10)''And ye haste to the forgiveness of your Lord and to syurga the breadth of the heavens and the earth and provided for those who fear Him, (that) those who spend (freely), whether at a time when or in adversity, and those who restrain anger and pardon (error) people. Allah loves those who bebuat virtue. And (also) those who, when committing heinous or torment themselves, they would remember God, then beg forgiveness of their sins and who can forgive sins except God? And they did not pursue that nasty deed, knowingly.''(Surah Al-Imran 133-135).
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