If a woman finds a lump in her breast, what happened?feelings of fear will arise. Any lumps in the breast of course raises many concerns, including the possibility of cancer, each case is different each react, there is some will go to the doctor to check a lump, while others tried to go to treatment alternatives, the ironic part trying to forget and take no action whatever, assume indifference.
Often, fears of excessive delay causes patients to consult with doctors, though not all lumps in the breast is a cancer, even most of it is a benign tumor.
If these lumps are cancerous, hence the delay in consultation may cause cancer developed into a more advanced stage where the consequences are likely to recover little or almost impossible. Thus, the delay in consulting a doctor is actually just adding new problems constantly anxiety without kepas-death and increase the likelihood of treatment failure.
Risk Factors
Causes of breast cancer until now presumed by a complex interaction of many factors such as genetic, hormonal, and environmental. Some factors that increase the risk of breast cancer are older age, menarche (first menstruation) earlier, the older the age at menopause, older age at first birth or never been pregnant, family history (especially mother, sister) with breast cancer, had a history of benign breast tumors, taking the long-term hormonal contraceptive drugs, consume alcohol, as well as exposure to radiation in the breast, especially during the period of formation of the breast.
The existence of genetic factors does not mean someone who has breast cancer genes must be suffering from cancer, but only has a risk for cancer and can decrease gene. Cancer-causing genes derived from parent to offspring without associated with gender.
Families have identified the gene in addition to breast cancer also increases the risk for other cancers such as ovarian, colon, and prostate.

Breast cancer can spread to the lungs, liver, bone, and others.
Stage breast cancer is determined by the large tumor, whether there is any spread to the lymph nodes and other organs. Spread to lymph nodes in the armpit that is located, after a new palpable can be known.
Breast cancer treatment generally divided into two major categories: first, a treatment for early stage cancer.
second, a treatment for advanced cancer and a relapse.
second, a treatment for advanced cancer and a relapse.
Early Detection
Results of treatment is largely determined by stage of disease when first diagnosed. Therefore the effort of early detection for breast cancer is important.With early detection of disease is expected to have been diagnosed at an early stage so that the possibility of full recovery to be big.
Bump inspection using 'Realize' (check your own breasts) can be done independently of each month. Examination should be done after the menstrual period is completed. The trick is to reflect and consider whether there are abnormalities in the breast. Then put your arms above your head and look back to two breasts.
Furthermore bowed 90 degrees, then check it again. Lie in bed. Put your left hand behind his head, then put a pillow under your left shoulder. Touch the left breast with his right hand fingers. Check if there are lumps in it. Then check whether there is a lump or swelling in the left armpit. Do the opposite for breast and right armpit.
Women who have family members who suffer from blood relatives with breast cancer, especially if the amount is more than one, have a high risk for breast cancer. Moreover, if genetic testing found abnormalities in genes
Did you know that pengonatan alternatives can also be used to treat breast cancer alternative treatment breast cancer patients to help reduce the side effects of radiation and chemotherapy. Besides that, it also can reduce stress levels.Alternative medicine also makes people feel more powerful and passionate, because in this way they can give themselves a positive handling than just rely on doctors who deal with their health. Most of complementary medicine and allternatif included in holistic medicine. That is, how to get your body's health and overall balance for not only obtained through the body but this treatment is more focused on thoughts, emotions and spirit or spirit.
Alternative medicine, a treatment method that uses outside of the medical approach, which is not included in the standards of modern medical treatment. In alternative medicine, every method possible, from the use of drugs such tradiosional herbs, spices, which are well known, such as ginger, turmeric and others. Also other approaches such as using a certain energy that can accelerate the healing process.
At first the medical community considers to be very cynical and alternative medicine can not be accounted for not adequately supported by medical research.But more and more facts to make their success tempted to do the research. And ultimately becoming more and more recognized alternative treatment techniques, the doctors even used as a complementary therapy to get a better recovery rate.

Here's an alternative treatment methods you can use, among others:
Treatment With Totok:
Uric Totok Energy on one type of nerve is a good alternative treatment for cancer. In addition, this full-blooded can also prevent patients from vomiting, pain, and fatigue.
Swelling and excess fluid for Women with weakened immune systems at high risk of infection.
Most therapies are based on the idea that "full-blooded energy" could be trusted to make sound and bring healing. Diseases will appear if the energy is weak. Totok energy based on the transformation of bio-energy power through gentle movement, and focus on breathing, gentle movement and meditation.
This energy is used as Ttansfer Adjustment of chemotherapy and radiation treatment, as well as primary therapy for inoperable cancer and had spread.Many hospitals in the United States offers Holistic treatments such as tai chi as a complement to standard treatment, and treatment of tai chi also perform the vital energy or bioenergy transformation. Because treatment with the energy transfer can improve self-esteem, quality of life, and foster a comfortable feeling as a follow-Transforming the Prevention of bioenergy by laying hands on the patient's body.
There are also dozens, even hundreds of alternative healing techniques. in each country and each region, even each community has their own technique. In general, alternative medicine can be divided into several major categories:
Among Others:
Traditional Herb
In general are increasing endurance. In Indonesia, known for a variety of traditional materials for treatment of cancer, such as crown god, noni, red fruit, white turmeric, sambungnyawa, vinca, garlic, tea parasites, and so forth. There are already packaged in the form of capsules, tablets, or syrup, there are still in the form of fresh or dry ingredients should be boiled first.
One thing you should remember before taking the traditional ingredients are, not all materials are suitable for all types of diseases. White turmeric for example, proved suitable for oral cancer, esophagus, colon, breast, skin, but not yet proven suitable for other types of cancer. Soy-based product being suitable for breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon, and lung.
Physical Medicine
Included in this physical treatment is a traditional massage, reflexology, acupuncture, akupressur, the power in, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, letterhead, and the like. Medically unproven treatments is cure all kinds of diseases directly, but are able to reduce pain, create a sense of comfort, relieve stress, and improve quality of life or fitness, so that the patient is more ready to undergo medical treatment.
Currently, clinics are not just small clinics that provide this treatment, the hospital now-large hospitals are also many who do, but remain under the supervision of expert doctors who studied in particular.
Psychic Treatment
Diseases caused by disturbance of balance of body, soul, mind and spiritual life of a person. Therefore this treatment aims to restore balance, which in turn would make the organs of the body to function normally, and restore health.
Examples of treatment is psychological therapies are meditation, yoga, prayer, or dhikr, hypnotic, as if breathing, music therapy, aromatherapy, ayurveda, and so forth. This treatment is believed to strengthen the mental, reduce stress and anxiety, foster a positive attitude, and strengthen the will to live. It can also reduce side effects of treatment, improve the effectiveness of medical treatment, and accelerates healing.
Various religions in the world have their own beliefs about healing miracles.Islamists, for instance, believe that tahajud prayer, prayer and dhikr can cure various diseases that are considered medically incurable. Christians, Catholics, Hindus and other religions have their own beliefs.
While human reason has not been able to explain the occurrence of these miracles, some people try mengilmiahkannya to theorize that the peace of mind and a healthier spiritual conditions that enhance the physical health in general.
Diet and Nutrition
Diet and nutrition play an important role in efforts to prevent and inhibit the growth of a disease. Wrong diet (less fiber, too much fat, unbalanced compositions, many contain dyes, preservatives, artificial taste, or cooking the wrong way) is one of the triggers of disease. So the only way to fix is to change the eating habits of a healthy diet.
On the other hand, nutrients food and drinks can also be used to fight the disease with a variety of ways. There are works by increasing the body's immune, there are adverse effects that neutralize these substances trigger an illness, there is a mutation that prevents the gene, one can restore the damaged genes, one can prevent the occurrence of metastases (spread of cancer cells) , even there also trigger cancer cells to commit suicide (apoptosis). Therefore, regulating diet and proper nutrition is one thing to be done in conjunction with other treatment efforts.
Vitamins, Minerals, Food Supplements
There are many other kinds of alternative medicine, particularly those manufactured by pharmaceutical manufacturers and marketed as a vitamin or food supplements. In Indonesia, we recognize bee products like honey, royal jelly, propolis, also a shark fin, fish oil, chlorella, green tea, ginseng, and others who claimed to cure a disease. Similarly, vitamin A and beta carotene, vitamins B, C, E, K, which function as antioxidants to prevent the formation and spread of certain diseases, like cancer.
Medical clinics also have a variety of other treatment techniques that have not fully accepted the medical community, eg chemotherapy herbal infusion T-cell (thymus derived from cows) is said to kill cancer cells, the use of certain drugs to rid the body of toxins and heavy metals free radical source, and so forth.
Though somewhat skeptical doctors against various types of alternative medicine, there is no harm in you trying. Doctor holding on treatment techniques (west) which has been clinically tested, while various alternative medicine in general come from the traditional treatment (east) used and proven by generations, but many had not been tested clinically.
Decision remains in your hands. After all, not a few traditional medicines which are clinically tested and then adopted into modern medical drugs, such as chemotherapy drugs vincristine and vinblastine, which was taken from the leaf extract of vinca. Will be maximal results if you choose alternative treatment carried out in conjunction with medical treatment, so they can support each other. The important thing is you have to perpegang Right on 4th and 1 on the alert: the right indication, the right drug, right dose, right patient, and alert to side effects.
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addapted and translate from http://tinyurl.com/28qxo59
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