Cucumber is a plant that produces edible fruit. The fruit is usually harvested when not yet ripe to be used as a vegetable or refreshing, depending on its type. Cucumbers can be found in a variety of dishes from around the world and contains enough water in it so many cool functions.
The fruit is green when young with yellowish white lines-lines. The more ripe the fruit out of fruit color changed to pale green to white. Elongated fruit shape like a torpedo. Development of the fruit flesh mesokarp, pale yellow to bright orange. The fruit is harvested when still half-ripe seeds and immature physiology. The ripe fruit is usually dried and seeds are harvested, the color black.
Cucumbers are Cucumis sativus has a scientific name has long been known as a complementary food: fresh vegetables, mixed pecel, made pickles, or a fresh drink.
Cucumbers contain 0.65 percent protein, 0.1 percent fat and 2.2 per cent carbohydrate. Fruit of these vines also contains calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and vitamin C. Cucumber seeds themselves contain toxic alkoloid hipoxanti type, which is used to treat intestinal worms.
External use
Cucumber washed and sliced. cucumber slices placed and rubbed on the skin with acne. Do it every day.
* Black spots acne scars.
Take the tip of the fruit mentimum along approximately 5 cm, and scar. Take turmeric of your thumb, then ground and take the water. Turmeric water is mixed in mentimum already shredded it. Then sapukanlah to the face. Do it every day until the spots disappear. Or, you can use a homemade spray toner. How, one grated peeled cucumber. Strain and take the water, mix with two teaspoons of honey. Then put the mixture into a spray bottle that comes laat. Spray to the face twice a day.
* Sore throat.
The trick, mix a little cucumber seeds with a little salt. Then add water. Use the mixture to gargle.
* Cucumber Astringent
One easy way to reduce the sparkle of oil on oily skin:
Cut 1 / 2 cucumber, peeled and input in a blender and blend until smooth. Apply on face and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse with cold water and pat lightly to dry face.
* Cucumber Masque - Avocado
This formula works for everything: maintenance, shrink pores, and helps lift Matu skin cells and make skin fresher.
Blend all ingredients until smooth:
1 / 2 cup grated cucumber
1 / 2 cup avocado
1 egg white
2 teaspoons powdered milk.
My cool for 30 minutes, then apply on face and neck. Let stand for 30 minutes, then wash with warm water. After splashing cold water and dab it dry.
* Skin Cleansing Mask
If you usually have problems with stains on the face, this mask will help you prevent it.
Blend ingredients until smooth:
1 / 2 cucumber, peeled
1 tablespoon nonfat milk
1 tablespoon yogurt
Apply on face and leave for 20 minutes, then wash with water.
* For Skin Care Shines
If your skin is dull and oily, this recipe will help to make skin look more radiant and glowing.
1 teaspoon butter cucumber
Add a little rose water
Apply on face and leave for 15 minutes, then wash with warm water.
* Relieves puffy eyes
Lack of sleep usually makes our eyes so puffy, but do not worry cucumber can help address this problem.
Cut two slices of cucumber, lie down and position the right pieces in each of your eyes. Let stand for 15 minutes, then remove from heat.
* Reduce Dark Circles Under Eyes Lid
1. Apply cucumber jelly, can alone or mixed with carrot juice on the dark circles under the eyes. Let stand for 20 minutes then rinse with cold water.
2. Combine cucumber jelly with milk and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Apply at the bottom of the eye and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse with cold water.
Internal Use - Drunk or consumed
* High blood pressure.
Way, 2 pieces of fresh cucumbers washed and shredded. Results is squeezed and strained, and drunk all at once. Do it 2-3 times a day.
* Sprue.
Every day eat as much as 9 pieces of cucumber fruit. Perform routine.
* Clean the kidneys.
Freshly washed and shredded cucumber. Results parutannya squeezed and filtered. Water is taken little by little until the gastric fluid used to receiving cucumber.
* Fever.
Take a taste of cucumber, washed, and shredded. Results parutannya placed on the abdomen.
* Menstruation irregular.
Finely minced 10 leaves cocor ducks, 5 finger flask of water, 5 pieces majakan, 1 cucumber, srep dadap 10 leaves, 10 leaves sambaing plug, add water salt to taste. Then rubbed into the abdomen, and dressing. Do it twice a day.
* Dizziness Disease
Dizziness sustained so as to lose weight can be overcome by consuming raw cucumber or cooked.
* As a mouthwash.
After brushing your teeth, eat a few slices of cucumber. Your breath will feel refreshed.
---- Quoted from various sources ...
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